Praise for Finding Norm & Jana Sipe Berndt
Finding Norm is a love story. Written with simplicity, charity, grace and wit, Jana Sipe Berndt chronicles the events that rocked the very foundation of her being. Suddenly widowed, she is faced with the task of raising three young adult children while crawling in the darkness of her grief. With courage and faith, she arises and walks into the light, "Finding Norm." Finding Norm : Rediscovering Joy through a Season of Loss gives us permission to grieve in our own ways and, most importantly, to be gentle with ourselves.
Jana’s strength and faith have upheld me in my life - through joyful times and through sorrows in life. She is a blessing!
Jana is an amazing writer who captures her experience of tragic loss in a very relatable way. Anyone who has endured grief in life will benefit from this uplifting book.
As the niece who walked alongside her and witnessed her growth, I observed this amazing story, which showcases Jana Sipe Berndt's relentless faith and incredible road to healing. Finding Norm is a book for our season of loss, a testimony that even as our "norm" may change, God's love and faithfulness never will.
Finding Norm is a bravely honest telling of the kind of grief and loss no one should have to endure. Yet Jana somehow manages to turn her story into a page-turner, inviting the reader into her pain, her joy, and her transformative faith. As Jana works to find her new Norm, there's something here for everyone: understanding and solidarity for those who grieve, and insight and wisdom for those who long to better care for their grieving loved ones. Wherever you are on your journey, this is a book you don't want to pass up.
Jana's transparency invites us on a journey of remembering, laughter, and gratitude. Loss is inevitable, but how we respond can lead us to joy. Finding Norm will bring solace and comfort to your soul.
"Widow" was not a word I wanted to be associated with, nor was it part of my personal life plan. In Finding Norm, Jana opens the door to self discovery: Although my new title is unwelcome, it unfolds to a different plan.
Throughout her journey of hope after devastating loss, Jana candidly shares how true faith in God gives strength and opportunity to move forward. For those who have endured the challenge of grief, Jana guides with tears, humor, and gratitude to Finding our Norm along with J-O-Y for a new forever.
Jana's ability to peel away the layers of defensiveness to tell an honest story of her encouter with grief is a rare talent. Her story of resiliency gives hope to all who have encountered life-changing adversity and uplifts the broken-hearted through truth, honesty, and realism.
What an uplifting and inspirational book that Jana has written! There is something for us all to take from this book whether grieving the loss of a loved one, divorce, loss of zest for living or whatever your journey may be . Her book lifted me up and made me want to do better at finding JOY in each moment in my life! Thank you for sharing your heart with us, Jana. May God continue to lift you up and may you continue to spread His love and faithfulness in all you do. You are amazing!